Publisher and Sponsor

ESTS is the Open Access journal of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). All its operational expenses are supported by 4S.

The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) is a nonprofit professional association founded in 1975 to engage and connect those interested in understanding the ways in which science, technology, and medicine function and manifest in relation to their social contexts. 4S has a broad and growing membership and holds a widely attended academic conference annually.

Since 2023 and for the next five years, ESTS is also supported through the Open Access Community Investment Program (OACIP) hosted by Lyrasis. Pledges for financial support to the journal are still open: interested research libraries, university institutions, and individuals can contribute to the OACIP campaign here.

• Cornell University
• Cornell University Department of Science & Technology Studies
• Indiana University
• Iowa State University
• Leiden University
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• New York University
• Ohio State University
• Swarthmore College
• University of California, Irvine
• University of Chicago
• University of Kansas
• University of Manchester
• University of Massachusetts Amherst
• University of Michigan
• University of Minnesota Twin Cities
• University of Pennsylvania
• University of Washington
• VIVA, Virginia's Academic Library Consortium
• VU Amsterdam
• Yale University